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#1561/1 2nd Floor East End Main Road, Jaynagar 9th block, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560069


Seeking medical help does not mean that you have to have surgery right away. Some women start with more conservative treatment like physical therapy, and go on to surgery only if their symptoms from prolapse are not under control.

When considering your treatment options it is best to work with your urogynecologist to make a plan that works best for you. A lot depends on your individual problems, and more depends on your preferences.

Urogyns and other doctors typically recommend a variety of therapies to relieve symptoms of prolapse, urinary or fecal incontinence, or other pelvic floor disorder symptoms.

With the dropping of the organs of the pelvic floor, many of the symptoms of POP are incontinence related. Therefore, treatment approaches may help control symptoms of urinary or fecal incontinence.

With most types of pelvic organ prolapse, you have the following conservative (non-surgical) treatment options:

  • Watch for Now
    Not all prolapse requires treatment. The goals of treatment are to improve your quality of life. So if the prolapse is not causing discomfort or interfering with the things you enjoys doing, your doctor may suggest holding off on treatment and watching for now.
  • Lifestyle and Behavior
  • Physical therapy for the pelvic floor
  • Vaginal Device (Pessary)

Depending on your treatment preference, the severity of your symptoms, and your general health, POP surgerymay be recommended. There are different types of POP surgeries. Before proceeding, please also review the mesh information and POP FAQs.

Work with your urogyn or provider, develop the most appropriate treatment plan that takes into consideration your overall health, lifestyle, and personal goals.

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